Therapist Confession #2: We Don’t Have It All Figured Out Either
As therapists, we’re often expected to have it all together, but the truth is, we don’t! Life is challenging for everyone, and even we struggle to apply the coping skills we teach others. In this blog, I share some personal insights about the pressures we all face and why it’s okay to not have everything figured out. It’s all part of the process. Check it out!
Therapist Confession #1: Yes, We Also Forget to Meditate
Mindfulness can be challenging, even for therapists. In this honest blog post, I share my struggles with practicing mindfulness, the difficulty of finding time, and how I manage to stay grounded—especially during busy seasons. Read on for insights into why mindfulness takes practice for everyone!
The Benefits of Private Pay Therapy—And Why I Still Accept Insurance.
In this post, Justin Modrell, a therapist in Lawrence, KS, discusses the advantages of private pay therapy. From greater flexibility in treatment to increased privacy and no need for a mental health diagnosis, learn why this option may be the right choice for you.
Addressing Anxiety and Depression: The Role of Accelerated Resolution Therapy
In today's world, a growing number of people are seeking effective anxiety treatment and depression treatment methods. In my experience, individuals are seeking out alternatives to traditional talk therapy and medications. In this context, Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is gaining attention for its innovative and efficient approach to treating these common mental health disorders. From my personal application of ART and exchanges with fellow practitioners, the outcomes witnessed in our clients have shown considerable promise.
Anxiety Treatment: Could More Sleep Be the Key?
Anxiety is a common mental health issue that can drastically affect your life quality. It keeps you on the edge, fills your life with uneasiness, and often disrupts your sleep. But, have you ever considered the role sleep might play in treating anxiety? Yes, you read that right! An increasing body of research suggests that getting a good night's sleep could be a significant factor in managing anxiety disorders.
The Secret to Maintaining Attraction in Your Long-term Relationship
Attraction is a curious and wondrous thing. It can bring two people together, build a profound connection, and create a beautiful love story. Yet, it can sometimes feel like a fickle friend in a long-term relationship. It's not uncommon to wonder how to keep that initial spark alive as months turn into years and years into decades. But fear not. Just as the seasons change and evolve, so too can the attraction in your relationship.
Blended Marriage Therapy
There are several different ways therapists work with couples to help them move towards healthier relationship patterns. In this post, you’ll find three different approaches that are back by years of research supporting their use with couples.